On Friday night I did something that I have been waiting to do since freshmen year of high school. I saw Brand New in concert. Ashli and I headed to Madison Square Garden on Friday night for Brand New and Dashboard Confessional. While I guess I am a Dashboard fan, we were primarily there to see Brand New.
When the band went on at 7:30 we were pretty much the happiest people in the world. The set started with old favorites from their first two albums, followed by four new songs and one final oldie. In short the band had so much energy and looked as if they were having the times of their lives on that stage. Something I haven't seen in live shows in quite some time. The set however was pretty short and our seats were too far away to feel anything from the band. I guess in all we were a little disappointed that we did not get to hear our favorites, but the show was still excellent and I have no regrets in going. Dashboard came on a little while after and I must say I have never felt so old at a show. The people around us were 15 and talked about high school in between the sets. They were really excited that they did not get carded when they bought cigarettes and had a fake I.D. so they could buy beer... and then drink it through a straw. Basically I will no longer give Nick Serpe crap about the time in 7th grade when he saw Dashboard. This crowd was mainly 18,000 teenage girls all dressed head to toe in Abercrombie and Hollister. I just couldn't take it seriously. Things really have changed, especially since Chris Carrabba spent most of the night just singing and running around the stage occasionally stopping to actually play guitar. It was just a weird experience. We found out that the show was actually being taped for a P.B.S. concert so I guess I felt that Chris was putting on a front for the camera. Oh well the night was still fun.
However I will give a shout out to Scott who saw the show the following night in Lowell, MA. Scott actually got to meet Brand New afterwards and he says they are pretty nice guys, which is always nice to hear. Oh and they are doing a headlining tour in March.
If anyone is interested Rolling Stone did a review of the NYC show and you can read it here.
I'm leaving New York for winter break in a week so I'm not sure what is going to happen between now and then since I have finals in all. So if this is my last update until I return to school at the end of January; Happy Holidays to everyone and have an awesome New Year.
Keep it scene in the city!
December 11, 2006
December 5, 2006
Yes this blog is still active. I have just been really busy with school and being at home for Thanksgiving that I have not had a chance to do much worth writing about. Anyway...
On Sunday night I ventured down to the Bowery Ballroom for Straylight Run. I went alone since the people I had planned on going with had some sudden things come up and were unable to attend. The venue was a pretty nice place, lots of open room and a balcony upstairs. The opening acts were pretty good even though I did not know any of them. Streets To Nowhere were first and they were a young pop-punk band from San Francisco. They were ok. Kevin Devine and the Goddamn Band went next. This was the first time on the tour that Kevin played with a whole band so it was pretty cool to see them. He was actually really good. Matt Pond PA went third and I really liked them. I know most people have heard them before but I have never really gotten into them, not for any particular reason, so I was really excited to see that they were really good. Straylight Run closed the show and I thought they were amazing. Their set was longer then when I saw them with Scott at the Knitting Factory so I got to hear even more songs this time. The new stuff sounded better a second time around so I actually have some hope for the next record. I got super close again and I even met the "confetti girls" who once again pleasured the crowed with the addition of confetti during "Existensialism on Prom Night." The band did really great acoustic versions of "Dignity and Money" as well as "Your Name Here (Sunrise Highway)." After the show ended I stuck around for a while downstaris and got to see all the guys from Matt Pond hanging out in the lounge afterwards. Then as I was leaving I walked back upstairs to find Straylight in a group talking to some people. I knew I couldn't pass this up so I went over and talked to Michelle Nolan and Shaun Cooper for a few minutes. Holy Shit this made my night. I told them what a big fan I am of their music and that I've been listening to them for years, John and Shaun for even longer especially. Shaun started laughing at this point. So yeah it was a great show and the band was super nice, so I thank them for sticking around and talking to me after. It really meant a lot.
On Sunday night I ventured down to the Bowery Ballroom for Straylight Run. I went alone since the people I had planned on going with had some sudden things come up and were unable to attend. The venue was a pretty nice place, lots of open room and a balcony upstairs. The opening acts were pretty good even though I did not know any of them. Streets To Nowhere were first and they were a young pop-punk band from San Francisco. They were ok. Kevin Devine and the Goddamn Band went next. This was the first time on the tour that Kevin played with a whole band so it was pretty cool to see them. He was actually really good. Matt Pond PA went third and I really liked them. I know most people have heard them before but I have never really gotten into them, not for any particular reason, so I was really excited to see that they were really good. Straylight Run closed the show and I thought they were amazing. Their set was longer then when I saw them with Scott at the Knitting Factory so I got to hear even more songs this time. The new stuff sounded better a second time around so I actually have some hope for the next record. I got super close again and I even met the "confetti girls" who once again pleasured the crowed with the addition of confetti during "Existensialism on Prom Night." The band did really great acoustic versions of "Dignity and Money" as well as "Your Name Here (Sunrise Highway)." After the show ended I stuck around for a while downstaris and got to see all the guys from Matt Pond hanging out in the lounge afterwards. Then as I was leaving I walked back upstairs to find Straylight in a group talking to some people. I knew I couldn't pass this up so I went over and talked to Michelle Nolan and Shaun Cooper for a few minutes. Holy Shit this made my night. I told them what a big fan I am of their music and that I've been listening to them for years, John and Shaun for even longer especially. Shaun started laughing at this point. So yeah it was a great show and the band was super nice, so I thank them for sticking around and talking to me after. It really meant a lot.

Matt Pond PA upclose and personal.
They're what made Taking Back Sunday so great.
I tried to take a picture of the band with confetti, but it did not really come out.
Since youtube is being a bitch and won't let me embed this.
That's all for now. Brand New concert on Friday, more to come from that.
Keep it scene in the city!
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